Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Q. Explain how high risk investments can end up contaminating fixed Essay

Q. Explain how high risk investments butt end up dingy fixed income securities - Essay ExampleThis essay tries to answer how the defective investments contaminate fixed income securities.Although fixed income securities be safe to invest in, their earnings are relatively low thus it is wiser for an investor to invest in high-risk investments in the short run since the chances of earning more are high. The anticipated higher returns as stated supra have led to the contamination of fixed income securities since an investor who aims to generate more income tends to invest in high-risk investments (International pecuniary Fund, 2004).Liquidity is another factor of contaminating fixed income securities since the high-risk investments are easily convertible to property in comparison to the fixed income securities (The Wall Street journal, 2010). This means that fixed income securities demand is low in the open market thus in case of inflation an investor will lose more collectible to the depreciation of his principle amount. In high-risk investment, the market is always open thus one can sell his stock when he anticipates that its value will reduce incase of anticipated inflation.The risk of abstracted opportunity also contributes to high-risk investments contaminating fixed income securities (Moodys manual of investments, American and foreign, 1998). If the investor does not invest in a risky investment and the high returns are realized, he will curse why he did not take the risk. This makes it more possible for an investor to take the opportunity in high-risks investment more than in in the fixed income

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